“As soon as you trust yourself, as soon as you will live.”


The awakened mind – the optimally functioning brain

Anna Wise and C. Maxwell Code analyzed between the 1970s and late 1990s with the help of special EEG measurements the functioning of the brain – especially of extraordinary people, be it from business and technology, be it from art and drama or spirituality and medicine. They wanted to know what brain waves and frequencies these people have, what makes them so special and outstanding – they developed the “Mirror Mind EEG” for analysis.
Brain waves are divided into the frequency ranges:
Beta 38 – 14 Hz Waking consciousness, reason, logical thinking
Alpha 14 – 8 Hz Daydreaming, fantasies, visualization
Theta 8 – 4 Hz Subconscious mind, dream sleep, meditation, exceptionally clear thinking
Delta 4 – 0.5 Hz Unconscious, deep sleep, intuition, instinct, empathy
The state of consciousness at any time is composed of a combination of the 4 categories. Within the rough classification of brainwave categories, there is a diverse expression of different frequencies.

The different frequencies can be imagined like notes in a symphony – sometimes melodious and sometimes discordant. The art is to create a strong powerful and harmonic symphony of brain waves, to master the individual notes and to connect them in a meaningful way.

No brainwave type is better; it’s the combination that matters to achieve peak performance, which is not necessarily quantifiable only with measurable success, but also with inner balance, connection, and happiness.

Alpha brain waves

The alpha range deserves special attention. It is the bridge between our waking consciousness on one side and the subconscious and unconscious on the other. Without alpha we have no access to our “inner” contacts, to our inner worlds, have no inner inspirations, do not remember our dreams, for example. If we recall the dreams shortly after waking up, we still have enough alpha available. Often the memory of dreams is abruptly gone when we open our eyes just once for a moment, when beta takes over and alpha is reduced. The same applies to the information from the early morning creative states of consciousness, when “letting oneself drift” shortly after waking up. As precise as the information is, it quickly disappears again in the “sub” consciousness when alpha becomes too weak and beta too strong.

Alpha is created only in a relaxed and detached consciousness, preferably with eyes closed. Alpha occurs in all types of imagination, fantasies, and visualization.

Too much alpha leads to a fog of daydreams and fantasies and then sometimes to an escape from reality. Here beta is again the controlling brainwave type.

Theta brain waves

From theta springs creativity, imagination, visualization, deep relaxation, meditation and connection to spirituality. Theta is below conscious awareness and requires a high alpha to access this level.

If theta is underdeveloped, it can be the result of injuries from the past, traumas that have arisen and are hidden deep in the subconscious. The psyche then decided to do this – an important protection to still be able to work in everyday life. But even this can usually be compensated and balanced with suitable methods.

Theta is also influenced by previous drug use, and brain networks are altered in the process. This can also be the result of the corresponding influence of technical radiation.

Too much theta is observed in ADHD- attention deficit, hyperactivity disorder, learning disabilities, behavioral problems, anxiety and depression.

Delta brain waves

The delta area contains the instincts and premonitions (e.g. that the phone is about to ring). These abilities can be developed to the point where we can perceive other people’s feelings, needs and attitudes very finely. People in healing professions and psychotherapy often have a high intensity of delta.

Delta waves also show up in extrasensory and telepathic perceptions and phenomena.

An excess of delta waves leads to being too perceptive of others’ feelings and not being able to separate oneself. People with this tendency should learn to balance turning toward themselves, distancing themselves, and setting boundaries.

Beta brain waves

Beta is the realm of thought and reason with which we are all familiar. It is especially important, otherwise we would lose ourselves in undirected states of consciousness, as is often observed in autistic people. However, with an excessive beta portion, we leave no room for the other brainwaves and find ourselves disconnected from other levels of consciousness available to us.

To reduce beta, you can practice relaxing your tongue and slowing your breathing. Concentration exercises are helpful.
The awakened mind – the optimally functioning brain